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Mid Autumn Love Giving

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September 2008, Winalite International launched the activity of ‘1356 round moon, love giving, mid autumn reunion’ in 130 cities, passed love and attention to 56,000 victims, donated 6 million RMB worth of moon cakes to seniors, orphans and disables in the disaster area.

September 5th 2009, the departure ceremony of '1356' was held in Guangzhou, vehicles carried 56000 boxes of moon cake to donation points all over China.

September 13th 2008, Winalite International donated moon cakes to more than 2000 orphans in Guang Zhou through the city council.
  1. Lan zhou,Gansu province
  2. Pan yu, Canton province
  3. Shun De, Canton province
  4. Shan ya, Hai Nan province
  5. Zheng zhou, He Nan province
  6. Ha Er Bin, Hei Long Jiang province
  7. HuaiZhou, Hu Nan province
  8. HeZhou, Jiang Xi province
  9. Nan Chang, Jiang Xi province
  10. Shanghai
  11. Du Jiang Yan, Si Chuan province
  12. Taizhou, Tian tai
  13. Tian jin
  14. Li Shui, Zhe Jiang province, etc